Saturday, October 07, 2006

Life 18

Life 18 - Photophobia?

Difficulty: 5
Interest: 4

Once again, we're only working with an image and the title. Fortunately, there is text in this one. It's still not clear, but it's a start. It goes like this:
'O fuge Iabrochium, sanguis meus! Ille recurvis
Unguibus, estque avidis dentibus ille minax.'
It's a fragment from one of several Latin translations of The Jabberworky by Lewis Carroll. It is only loosely connected to the answer.

To solve this one, you need a good monitor and a specific calibration. Lower your contrast, or if you have an LCD screen, look at it from an angle. Otherwise, you can NOT solve this one (unless you get really, really lucky with your image manipulation.) You'll know it when you'll find it.

Next Level


Photophobia means 'the fear of light'. Maybe you should not be afraid and start looking at it.

It is not a date, as there are actually 4 numbers. It does not follow the usual 1=A,2=B... pattern either. Each number does link to a letter though.


Blogger MhaPhew said...

pay attention to the light

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is a series of numbers?

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*is it

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

does it have something to do with halloween?

3:03 PM  
Blogger MathP said...

No, it is not a date. The answer coincidentally has something to do with halloween, but the hint does not refer to it.

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

inverting would have worked too!

6:15 PM  
Blogger Moulton said...

The Latin text actually goes like this...

O fuge Iabrochium, sanguis meus! Ille recurvis

Unguibus, estque avidis dentibus ille minax.

It's a fragment from one of several Latin translations of The Jabberworky by Lewis Carroll.

As far as I can tell, the featured selection itself is a red herring, merely providing an arbitrary passage of text to act as source string to be used in conjunction with the numbers hidden in the light.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The text does relate to the answer and its use makes sense.

Carroll was considered to be a migraineur, and that his migraines are what inspired the strange events in Alice in Wonderland and Through the looking glass...(the latter being where this poem showed up).

Migraineurs are usually photosensitive. And this passage talks about the more violent and heinous aspects of the jabberwocky, which relates to the answer (and the claw marks around the words)

8:13 PM  
Blogger FunkyWitDaSysTm said...

not only can i not figure out what the last number is (too distorted-- i see it could be 30 32 or 34).

even still, how does this number which comes after and the first number have to do with haloween? or migranes?


8:37 PM  
Blogger MhaPhew said...

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10:05 PM  
Blogger MhaPhew said...

link the numbers to the overall picture. The numbers for those of you who can't see them are 4, 10, 31, and 32.

10:07 PM  
Blogger MathP said...

Inverting does work, but only if you have a high contrast ratio, otherwise you still cannot see it!
I agree that the text and image do relate to the answer, but there is no way to find it if you do not have the numbers. That's why we said only 'loosely related'.

It's nice to have these extra precisions though.

12:01 AM  
Blogger MhaPhew said...

bah stop braggin about your pc

3:02 AM  

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